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Sayu grew up on the east coast and moved to San Jose, CA during high school. He graduated from Santa Clara University in 2021 majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Sayu grew up playing a variety of sports such as soccer, basketball, and baseball. He found his passion for weight lifting 6 years ago and has since developed a passion for calisthenics. Some of his favorite pastimes are reading, archery, and hanging out with friends. 

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Born and raised in the Bay Area, Andrew graduated from Santa Clara University in 2021 majoring in Computer Science. He grew up loving to play soccer and lifting weights ever since getting his first weight set in 10th grade. Some of his favorite pastimes include hiking outdoors, checking out local cafes, and exploring cities.

Why NoLi?

As co-founders, we believe that the keys to a good life are to be happy, healthy and wealthy. However, we believe that your health is the core foundation for these three pillars. Our team has been going to the gym, working out, and progressing together since we began living together in our freshman year of college. We have seen huge development in confidence and mental health as a result of a healthier body and we want to see this spread to other people's lives. 

If you are inspired by our missions, please consider donating! Every contribution brings us a step closer to not only improving our app but our vision of positively impacting peoples' lives!

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